Ofertas Morgan & Claypool
Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise: Second Edition (Colloquium Series on Integrated Systems Physiology: From Molecule to Function)
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Capillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and Pathology (Colloquium Series on Integrated Systems Physiology)
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Introduction to the Physics of the Cryosphere (IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool Publication)
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Guide through the Nanocarbon Jungle: Buckyballs, Nanotubes, Graphene, and Beyond (IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool Publication)
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Classical Theory of Free-Electron Lasers (IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool Publication)
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Introduction to the Mathematical Physics of Nonlinear Waves (IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool Publication)
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Advances in Thermodynamics of the van der Waals Fluid (IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool Publication)
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