Ofertas Meditation
The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness
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The Little Book of Meditation: 10 minutes a day to more relaxation, energy and creativity (The Gaia Little Books Series)
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Zenamaste® Tigela tibetana de meditação feita à mão na cidade nepalesa de Bhaktapur, 450 g, 11,5 cm de diâmetro, caixa em papel nepalês com almofada, tigela + taça de madeira
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Lotuscrafts Zafu Almofada de meditação, altura: 15 cm, enchimento de espelta, cobertura em algodão lavável, redonda, certificado GOTS
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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: Bring calm to your life with the ultimate mindfulness guide from a Buddhist monk
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NAMASTEY® Conjunto de tigelas tibetanas Ø 10 cm martelado à mão – sinos tibetanos Tingsha, queimador e incenso de corda em caixa de Lokta – acessórios de meditação e ioga, feito à mão no Nepal
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