Ofertas Freenove
Freenove Kit para Raspberry Pi Pico W (Compatível com Arduino IDE), Dot Matrix Expressões, Avoidance obstacle, Line Tracking, Light Tracing, Colorful Light, App
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Freenove Super Starter Kit (V2 incluído), tutorial detalhado de 266, 192 itens, 38 projetos, blocos e código de python
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Freenove Development Kit for ESP32-S3-WROOM CAM (Incluído), dual core 32 bits 240 MHz, microcontroller, Onboard Camera Wireless, Touch Screen Stereo Speakers Heart Rate Sensor, Tutorial Code
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Freenove Complete Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ 400 Zero 2 W, 1170-Page Tutorial, Python C Java Scratch Processing Code, 386 itens, 164 projetos, Camera Speaker (Raspberry Projects) I Not
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Freenove Robot Ant Kit (compatível com Arduino IDE), Dot Matrix Expressions, Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance, Colorful Lights, App, Stem Project
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Freenove Projects Kit with Control Board V4 (compatível com o Arduino IDE), tutoriais detalhados de 238, 46 projetos, sem soldagem, simples fiação
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Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit for ESP32-WROVER CAM (Incluído), dual core 32-bit 240 MHz, micro-controlador, Onboard Camera Wireless, Python C Java, Tutorial de 795 - Page Detailed Tutorial, 240 Items,
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Freenove Control Board V5 Rev4 Wi-Fi (compatível com Arduino IDE), Arm Cortex-M4 Microcontroller, Onboard ESP32-S3, LED Matrix, USB-C Connector, Example Projects and Code tutorial
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