Ofertas Educate2Empower Publishing
Talking About Feelings: A book to assist adults in helping children unpack, understand and manage their feelings and emotions
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My Body! What I Say Goes!: Teach children body safety, safe/unsafe touch, private parts, secrets/surprises, consent, respect
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Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept: Protect children from unsafe touch by teaching them to always speak up
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Let's Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect: Teach children about body ownership, respect, feelings, choices and recognizing bullying behaviors
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Hey There! What's Your Superpower?: A book to encourage a growth mindset of resilience, persistence, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem
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Algunos Secretos Nunca Deben Guardarse: Protect children from unsafe touch by teaching them to always speak up
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¡No significa no!: Ensenandoles Limites Personales, Respeto y Consentimiento a Los Ninos; Empoderandolos Mediante El Respeto de Sus Decisiones y de Su Derecho de Decir: ' No!'
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No Difference Between Us: Teach children gender equality, respect, choice, self-esteem, empathy, tolerance, and acceptance
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