[[Sell More Books!: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors Rethinking Book Publicity after the Digital Revolutions]] [By: Miller, Cherie K] [June, 2011]
Sell more books!: book marketing and publishing for low profile and debut authors rethinking book publicity after the digital revolutions
By: miller
Cherie k
El precio de venta de [[Sell More Books!: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors Rethinking Book Publicity after the Digital Revolutions]] [By: Miller, Cherie K] [June, 2011] se ha mantenido estable en en los últimos tiempos, no ha habido ningún cambio. En cuanto a ofertas en este producto, el precio de es similar en todas las tiendas de la red, sin haber grandes diferencias.
En estos momentos la mejor web donde adquirir [[Sell More Books!: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors Rethinking Book Publicity after the Digital Revolutions]] [By: Miller, Cherie K] [June, 2011] es en la página web de Amazon
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