Aanbiedingen MorningStar Music Publishers
James Biery,Marilyn Biery - The Beauty of This Sacred Place - SATB and Organ with opt. Congregation, Brass Quartet and Timpani
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Henry V. Gerike,Jaroslav J. Vajda - Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels - SATB and Organ with opt. Congregation and Brass Quartet
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Michael Burkhardt - Gaudete - SATB and Unison Treble Voices, Percussion [Tambourine, Drum]
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Michael John Trotta - Amazing Grace - SATB a Cappella, opt. High Voice Solo or Instrument
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James Biery - Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness - Congregation, SATB, and Organ, with opt. Brass Quartet and Timpani
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