Aanbiedingen Contemponet
MITB Mastering in the box: Concepts and applications for audio mastering - Theory and practice on Wavelab Pro 10
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Musica Elettronica e Sound Design - Teoria e Pratica con Max 8 - Volume 1 (Quarta Edizione): Vol. 1
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Electronic Music and Sound Design - Theory and Practice with Max 8 - Volume 1 (Fourth Edition): Vol. 1
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Electronic Music and Sound Design - Theory and Practice with Max 8 - Volume 2 (Third Edition): Vol. 2
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MITB Mastering in the box: Concetti e applicazioni per la realizzazione del mastering audio con Wavelab Pro 10
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Laboratorio di Tecnologie Musicali - Teoria e Pratica per i Licei Musicali, le Scuole di Musica e i Conservatori - Volume 2: Vol. 2
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