Ofertas Wessex Archaeology
Along Prehistoric Lines: Neolithic, Iron Age and Romano-British activity at the former MOD Headquarters, Durrington, Wiltshire (Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper)
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London Gateway: Maritime Archaeology in the Thames Estuary: 30 (Wessex Archaeology Reports)
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An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire: 37 (Wessex Archaeology Monograph)
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Archaeological Excavations on the Route of the A27 Westhampnett Bypass West Sussex, 1992: Late Upper Palaeolithic-Anglo-Saxon: 21 (Wessex Archaeology Reports)
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A Prehistoric Burial Mound and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Barrow Clump, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire: English Heritage and Operation Nightingale excavations 2003-14: 40 (Wessex Archaeology Monograph)
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Bath Quays Waterside: The archaeology of industry, commerce and the lives of the poor in Bath’s lost quayside district (Wessex Archaology Occasional Paper)
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