Ofertas Walter Foster Publishing
Historia, teoría y crítica de arte, cine y fotografía, Artistas individuales y Artesanía, artes decorativas y manualidades. Todos estos tienen en común a su fabricante, Walter Foster Publishing, top en el mercado.
Libros, liderada por Walter Foster Publishing, es donde los usuarios de Ofertas.com están comprando hoy en día más.
Learn to Draw Hooky: Learn to draw your favorite characters from the popular webcomic series with behind-the-scenes and insider tips exclusively revealed inside! (WEBTOON)
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How to Draw Super Cute Things with Bobbie Goods: Learn to draw & color absolutely adorable art!: 3 (101 Things to Draw)
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The Art of Basic Drawing: Simple step-by-step techniques for drawing a variety of subjects in graphite pencil (Collector's Series): 1
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The Art of Drawing Optical Illusions: How to draw mind-bending illusions and three-dimensional trick art in graphite and colored pencil (Art Of...techniques)
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The Complete Beginner's Guide to Drawing: More than 200 drawing techniques, tips & lessons (The Complete Book of ...)
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1,500 Color Mixing Recipes for Oil, Acrylic & Watercolor: Achieve precise color when painting landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and more (1)
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Color Theory: An essential guide to color--from basic principles to practical applications (Artist's Library)
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Portfolio: Beginning Colored Pencil: Tips and techniques for learning to draw in colored pencil (6)
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