Ofertas Golden House Publications
The Writing of History in Ancient Egypt during the First Millennium BC (ca. 1070-180 BC): Trends and Perspectives: 05 (Golden House Publications Egyptology)
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Soldiers, Sailors and Sandalmakers: A Social Reading of Ramesside Period Votive Stelae: 10 (Golden House Publications Egyptology)
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Egyptian Literature 1800 BC: Questions and Readings (Golden House Publications Egyptology)
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Life and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt During the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period: 7 (Ghp Egyptology)
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The Holders of Regular Military Titles in the Period of the Middle Kingdom: Dossiers: 04 (Egyptology)
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From Workshop to Sanctuary the Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae: 6 (Middle Kingdom Studies)
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House of Slaves & 'Door of No Return': Gold Coast/Ghana Slave Forts, Castles and Dungeons and the Atlantic Slave Trade
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