Ofertas Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
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Good Practices for Biosecurity In The Pig Sector: Issues and Options in Developing and Transition Countries: 169 (Fao Animal Production and Health Paper, 169)
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Manual on the Application on the HACCP System in Mycotoxin Prevention and Control (FAO Food And Nutruiton)
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World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Pocketbook 2023 (FAO Statistical Pocketbook – World Food and Agriculture)
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Human Energy Requirements,Report of a Joint FAO/WHO.UNU Expert Consultation,Rome,17-24 October 2001: FAO Food and Nutrition Technical Report Series. 1 (Fao Food Nutrition Tech Reports)
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World food and agriculture statistical pocketbook 2020 (World Food and Agriculture – FAO Statistical Pocketbook)
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El Estado Mundial de La Agricultura y La Alimentacion 2007: Pagos a Los Agricultores Por Servicios Ambientales (Coleccion FAO Agricultura)
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