Ofertas Brand: Editions Rodopi BV
Learning values lifelong. from inert ideas to wholes: 132 (Value Inquiry Book Series / Philosophy of Education)
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Social Classes, Action & Historical Materialism: 6 (Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities)
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The human project: the year 2000: 119 (Value Inquiry Book Series / Studies in the History of Western Philosophy)
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Geographies. mapping the imagination in french and francophone literature and film: 30 (French Literature Series)
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The Song of Roland: A Generative Study of the Formulaic Language in the Single Combat: 20 (Faux Titre)
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This Noble Craft…: Proceedings of the Xth Research Symposium of the Dutch and Belgian University Teachers of Old and Middle English and Historical ... Ed. by Erik Kooper: 80 (Costerus New Series)
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