Offerte Tim Nilsen
Helheim - Realm of the Goddess Hel: The Ruler of Life and Death in Norse Mythology: 5
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Yule Festival - Gods, Spirits and Offerings: The Spiritual Significance of the Nordic Winter Festival - Christmas of the Vikings: 11
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Fenrir - The Terror of Asgard: The story of the most powerful wolf in Norse mythology: 1
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Odin - Allfather, God of War and Guardian of Knowledge: The Legend of the most powerful God in Norse Mythology: 12
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Shieldmaiden - Fearless Women of the Viking Age: Myth and Reality of Nordic Heroines: 9
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Thor - The God of Thunder and the Traces of Time: The Myths, Legends and Cultural Influence of the Norse Warrior God from Viking times to the present day: 13
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Valkyries - The Warriors Of Odin: The mythical guardians of the fallen heroes and their role in Norse mythology: 4
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Schildmaid - Furchtlose Frauen der Wikingerzeit: Mythos und Realität nordischer Heldinnen
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