Offerte Czech Glass
1 bottone in vetro ceco fatto a mano e laccato, con libellula verde viola, 40,5 mm (fatto a mano e painted Czech Glass Button with dragonfly green viola)
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40 g LIMITED Mix of Czech Glass Beads Table Cut, Matte and Glossy, Faceted Fire Polish, Hand Made Set Kit, Beige Violet Purple
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40 g LIMITED Mix of Czech Glass Beads, Matte and Glossy, Faceted Fire Polish, Hand Made Set Kit, Pale Green Pink
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1x Pulsanti in vetro ceco a mano e dipinti, Con Mandala Motive Blue Violet 31.5 mm (Hand made and painted Czech glass buttons with mandala motive blue violet)
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25g GLOW-under-blacklight Crystal Glass Bead Mix, Different Size & Color Uranium Czech Vintage Glass Bead Mix
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150 pcs Flat Square Pressed Glass Beads, Crystal Crystal Silver Half Coating (30 27001), Glass, Czech Republic, Size 8 x 8 mm (0.31 x 0.31 in)
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