Offerte BIS Publishers BV
Quando pensi a BIS Publishers BV, è impossibile non menzionare la loro gamma di prodotti Arte, cinema e fotografia, Narrativa contemporanea y Mistero.
Quando parliamo del settore libri, dobbiamo parlare di BIS Publishers BV poiché è un'azienda che si distingue in questa categoria.
BIS Publishers bv Design, Play, Change: A Playful Introduction to Design Thinking
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[(Bio-Structural)] [ By (author) Bis Publishers, By (author) Joseph Lim Ee Man, By (author) Joseph Lim ] [June, 2009]
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[(Performative Geometries: Transforming Textile Techniques )] [Author: Bis Publishers] [Mar-2011]
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[(Logo Rip: A Commemoration of Dead Logotypes )] [Author: Bis Publishers] [Nov-2012]
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[(Never Use White Type on a Black Background: and 50 Other Ridiculous Design Rules)] [ By (author) Bis Publishers, By (author) Anneloes Van Gaalen ] [June, 2010]
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Design Leadership Chronicles: A Graphic Novel About Growing Organisational Change
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[(Digital Manufacturing: In Design and Architecture)] [ By (author) Bis Publishers, By (author) Asterios Agkathidis ] [March, 2011]
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