Offers Química Alemana
Nail Strengthening, nail Polish y skin Care Hands & Feet All these have in common their manufacturer, QuĂmica Alemana, top in the market.
Despite having numerous products, market leaders, QuĂmica Alemana has focused a lot on the beauty category where it becomes a reference for other companies.
Here we can list other brands of QuĂmica Alemana style experts in manufacturing and selling products in the nail Strengthening category they are their competition and some more recognized as beetles Gel Polish or Born Pretty, and there are others in another sector, that of skin Care Hands & Feet, which are also well known as EcoHydra or CROWNZZ.Valmy Chemical Nail Hardener, Formaldehyde Free 7 Free, Strengthening and Protective Treatment (14ml each)
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Probelle Tinted Nail Strengthener, Nail Strengthening Treatment, Nail Growth and Repair, Stops Peeling, Splits, Chips, Cracks, and Strengthens Nails (Petal Pink)
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