Offers Lais Puzzle
Lais Puzzles is a very famous brand that manufactures and distributes puzzles all over the world aimed, mostly at adults, since the number of pieces ranges from 100 to 2000. They usually have a realistic theme with photographs of world-known places or paintings by artists famous like Velázquez, Paul Gauguin or Van Gogh among others.
The puzzles are a very healthy entertainment since it produces many benefits in our organism and in our mind. Do you want to know some? Read on to discover some benefits of putting together puzzles in your spare time.
- Mental acuity: When we assemble a puzzle we are exercising creativity and emotions that occur on the right side of the brain and in turn, we work on logical and objective thinking found on the left side of the brain. Another very important part of the brain responsible for detecting colors and shapes is the occipital lobe, which is why it also helps prevent cognitive decline.
- Spatial reasoning: Since what we see in the piece is not the total image and the final image that we see is not the same size as the result, our visual-spatial reasoning does a training and collects information so over time it improves and develops.
- Increased memory: When we take a piece of the puzzle, you analyze the colors and the objects that are in it and in a matter of milliseconds we search our mind for the complete image to try to identify the part to which the piece belongs. This strengthens neural connections that increase mental speed and improve short-term memory.
- Reduces stress levels : This is because, although our brain is working and performing important functions, it considers it a relaxing activity so that you feel in a more relaxed state and improve your mood. This has a direct impact on your health and well-being because it reduces blood pressure and heart rate.
- Produces dopamine : Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates your mood and the ability to be more or less optimistic. These biomolecules are released when we manage to fit each of the pieces, which motivates us to continue doing the puzzle with great satisfaction.
- Teamwork : Puzzles are one of the entertainments that can be done with more than one person and this also brings benefits to the couple or group since it increases confidence when creating something together, helps communication and trains cooperation and teamwork.
- They increase your productivity: As we mentioned earlier, doing a puzzle makes you relax and be happier and many studies have shown that when a person does their work in a relaxed way, it is easier for them to stay focused and therefore , in many offices, they are using puzzles and puzzles in the break areas so that their workers have fun and return to their work being more productive.
- We become more detailed: With the puzzles you train your eyes to perceive the small details, slight color changes, remarkable corners ... that in the long run translates into a faster perception that you can take advantage of in your day to day, for example time to edit photos, design spaces, observe fashion ...
- Development in children: Although we adults have already learned some of these skills, for children it is very important to acquire them and puzzles can be a great tool. What skills are we talking about? Motor coordination such as fine tweezers, they learn to be more patient since a puzzle is not a quick and instantaneous game, they assimilate the organization of space ...
With all the benefits of doing puzzles that we have named, we have no doubt that you are looking forward to doing any of them so here we bring you offers of Lais puzzles for you to enjoy alone, as a couple, with family or friends. He also thinks that a puzzle is a perfect option as a gift.