The poisonwood bible: a novel
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English edition
![Avatar de Susi Wegner](
Susi Wegner
I felt like i was on a journey
![Avatar de Rico Ehlers](
Rico Ehlers
The poisonwood bible, no antidote needed for poisonwood bible, will rank with "heart of darkness" and "a bend in the river"
![Avatar de Sina Neu](
Sina Neu
Powerful story, great literature, 650 pages in 5 days
![Avatar de Hugo Wendt](
Hugo Wendt
Wow!, worth the time to read-, kingsolver at her greatest..
![Avatar de Walther Wacker](
Walther Wacker
A performer's dream.., okay, slow start but worth it in the end
![Avatar de Bettina Herr](
Bettina Herr
...actually 4.5, ambitious, compelling, worthwhile, a great read
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