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Notebook Vintāgē Rētrō Sūmmēr Vācātiōn Cōstā Ricā Pūrā Vidā Bēāch SwēāSāÿing: 6x9 in, over 100 pages / Lined Journal,Book,Personal,Homeschool,Menu,Appointment
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Notebook Vintāgē Pūrā Vidā Cōstā Ricā Sūmmēr Vācātiōn Sūnsēt Pālm Sāÿing: 6" x 9", over 100 pages / Lined Journal,Management,Notebook Journal,Daily Organizer
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Vintage Retro Summer Vacation Costa Rica Pura Vida Beach Notebook: Drawing Journal and Summer Notebook for Children Summer Journal For Kids With Writing Prompts, Interactive Diary Scrapbook
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