Angebot Getty Conservation Institute
The Conservation of Tapestries and Embroidery: Proceedings (Getty Trust Publications: Getty Conservation Institute)
Siehe Angebot
The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials (Getty Trust Publications : Getty Conservation Institute)
Siehe Angebot
Personal Viewpoints: Thoughts About Paintings Conservation : A Seminar Organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research (Getty Publications – (Yale))
Siehe Angebot
The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region: An International Conference Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and ... Museum, 6-12 May 1995 (Getty Publications –)
Siehe Angebot
Painted Wood: History and Conservation (Symposium Proceedings, Getty Conservative Institute)
Siehe Angebot
Icom Committee for Conservation; 8th Triennial Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 6-11 September, 1987, Vol. 3: Preprints (Classic Reprint)
Siehe Angebot