Angebot Creative Playbooks
You Only Live Once Life & Business Style: A Creative Playbook for Freedom, Fun and Inspired Connection (English Edition)
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Der Bro Code: Das Buch zur TV-Serie »How I Met Your Mother.« Legendär! Lerne von Barney, wie Du der beste Bro aller Zeiten wirst. SPIEGEL-Bestseller
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Generative AI for Beginners Playbook: Discover Practical, Simplified, Step-By-Step Applications to Generate Just About Anything You Can Imagine (Generative AI in The Real World) (English Edition)
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Marketing Playbook: Scale Your Online Business to Outrageous Success (English Edition)
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The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback (English Edition)
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