Angebot Computer Programming Coding Gift Ideas
Artificial Communication: How Algorithms Produce Social Intelligence (Strong Ideas) (English Edition)
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Pagma Druck Informatiker Tasse, Code Mug IT Informatiker Geschenke lustig, Programmierer Becher Debugging Spruch Programmieren Informatik Geschenkidee, Entwickler Developer Kaffeetasse
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Java Programmierung Spickzettel, Schreibtischunterlage für Software-Ingenieure, Webentwickler und Programmierer, Geschenk Kollegen, Quick Key, rutschfeste Tastaturunterlage, KMH
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Pseudocode Handbook: A Notebook for Humans and Robot: Learn, Write, and Share Algorithmic Ideas in a Structured and Accessible Format. Funny and Witty gift for Robots and Programmers alike
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