Angebot Brand: Leuven Univ Pr
Structural and Functional Characterisation of Sds22: A Putative Mitotic Regulator of Protein Phosphatase-1 (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 229)
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Genetic Analysis Of Herpesvirus Entry Receptors And Host Susceptibility To Herpes Simplex Virus Infection (ACTA Biomedica Lovaniensia, Band 323)
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Modulation of Cftr & Enac Channel Function by Interacting Proteins & Trafficking (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, Band 351)
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Modulation of Nitric Oxide/Cyclic Gmp Signal Transduction in the Injured Vascular Wall (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 239)
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Ligand & Electrically Induced Activation Patterns in Myenteric Neuronal Networks: Confocal Calcium Imaging As a Bridge Between Basic & Human ... (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, Band 338)
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Reconstruction of the Evolution of Chinese Populations by the Study of Human Genome Diversity (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 241)
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Study of the Myenteric Plexus in Neuropathy: Correlation of Plexus Myentericus Changes and Motility Disturbances in Rats. Implications for Human Pathology (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 243)
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