Angebot Addison-Wesley Professional
Addison-Wesley Professional hat einen Katalog mit hochwertigen Artikeln, unter denen Sie Programmiersprachen, Ingenieurwissenschaft & Technik y Film, Kunst & Kultur finden können
Es gibt viel Wettbewerb im bücher Sektor, aber keine Marke ist gleich Addison-Wesley Professional.
Agile Transformation: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework to Think and Lead Differently (Addison-wesley Signature Series (Cohn))
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Strategic Monoliths and Microservices: Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture (The Pearson Addison-Wesley Signature)
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UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (Addison-wesley Object Technology Series)
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Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice in Python (Addison-Wesley Data & Analytics)
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Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners: Agile Tactics, Tools & Tips (Addison-Wesley Signature)
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Improving Agile Retrospectives: Helping Teams Become More Efficient: Helping Teams Become More Efficient (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn))
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